Teyi is the founder and organizer of an invitation-only network called the Innovation Strategy Forum (ISF). This network includes leading innovation and strategy managers from many of the large organizations in Sweden.
Created to encourage co-operation between the most innovative companies, the Innovation Strategy Forum provides a framework for people to share experiences and learn from each other. This cooperation is focused especially on sharing learnings about innovative technologies like Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, X Reality, Blockchain, Cloud and Analytics. Part of the work involves identifying joint testbeds and pilots. ISF also helps to introduce startups to the corporate community. Startups often play a key role in the innovation projects organized through the ISF.
Today the Innovation Strategy Forum includes 120 top executives from 80 large organizations in Sweden. It is a closed network but you can nominate yourself or a colleague provided that the nominee is in a top executive position, taking part in strategic decisions about innovation at a large company and able to attend bimonthly face-to-face meetings in Stockholm.
To apply to join our network, send an email to isf@teyi.se.